

It is way too cold! We spend this beautiful time of the year indoors, packed in woollen sweaters, hiding from the rain, sipping hot tea, instead of soaking in the fresh green and joyous colors….

This has been a busy month so far. With family visiting and A. being gone on business trips there was not much time to do anything else but work and kids and trying to keep the domestic chaos at bay. Thus, not much sewing, knitting or crafting has happened, although I did get stared on a pair of socks and a summer skirt, but nothing is in the condition of being shown here. Plus, I am still in the process (a very long one) of cleaning up my working/crafting/sewing space, which prevents me from getting down on serious projects.


So, instead of any new garment, here is a glimpse into the Nebelhöhle, a large and beautiful flowstone cave on the Schwäbische Alb, which we visited together with our guests. Doesn’t the stalagmite on the picture on the bottom right look like a mother with a child…?